Safety Report: SunSprout Enterprises Alfalfa Sprouts - recalled due to Salmonella, USA
2 years ago •source
Recall notice
Nebraska, United States
SunSprout Enterprises is voluntarily recalling two lots (#4211 and 5211) of raw alfalfa sprouts in 4-ounce clamshells, with best-by dates between 12/10/22 and 12/27/22, due to potential contamination with Salmonella. The company directly distributed 808 pounds of product to five food service and grocery customers in Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa between late November and early December 2022. To date, SunSprout has received no complaints or reports of illness due to this recalled product.The alfalfa sprouts are available in the produce section of grocery stores. The lot code and best buy date can be found on the front of the package. No other SunSprout lot codes or products are impacted by this voluntary recall. The raw alfalfa sprouts are packaged in 4-ounce clamshells with best buy dates between 12/10/2022 and 12/27/2022 and lot codes #4211 and 5211.
Salmonella is an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses such as arterial infections (i.e., infected aneurysms), endocarditis, and arthritis.
This voluntary recall is a result of a preliminary investigation by the State of Nebraska in connection with CDC of an outbreak of illness likely associated with alfalfa sprouts. SunSprout, out of an abundance of caution, is initiating this voluntary recall while it further investigates how this alfalfa product was handled and stored after it left its Nebraska facility.
Customers with product from this lot number in their possession should stop using it and dispose of it immediately. Consumers are also encouraged to follow all safe handling instructions and wash their hands and all preparation surfaces after handling any raw product.
In case you are experiencing Salmonella symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever, it is important to report it. It can help to detect & resolve outbreaks early and prevent others from being harmed, and it enables better surveillance. If symptoms persist, seek medical care.
Company name: SunSprout Enterprises
Brand name: Sun Sprouts
Product recalled: Alfalfa Sprouts
Reason of the recall: Salmonella
FDA Recall date: December 29, 2022