Safety Report: 美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥北大道 3910 号艾尔林肯基托德莫雷洛斯, El Rinconcito De Morelos, 3910 W North Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
4年前 •source • 商业
3910 West North Avenue, Chicago, 60647 Illinois, United States
Report date: Sep 21, 20203. Management, food employee and conditional employee; knowledge, responsibilities and reporting
- comments: observed no signed employee health policy on the premises. Management instructed to have a signed employee health policy for each employee. Priority foundation 7-38-010. Citation issued.
5. Procedures for responding to vomiting and diarrheal events
- comments: observed no clean up supplies on the premises to respond to vomit and diarrheal events. Management instructed to provide all items listed on the clean up procedure. Priority foundation 7-38-005. Citation issued.
25. Consumer advisory provided for raw/undercooked food
- comments: observed no consumer advisory disclosure and reminder statement on the menu for raw or undercooked foods. Management instructed to disclose and describe which foods can be ordered raw or undercooked and link those items to a reminder statement on the menu. Priority foundation 7-38-005. Citation issued.
38. Insects, rodents, & animals not present
- comments: observed evidence of rodent activity on the premises and live flies and insects on the premises. Observed 20 rat droppings on the floor in the basement under the staircase and around the mop sink. Management instructed to clean and remove all rodent droppings. Also observed 1 live cockroach on the floor behind the 2 door prep cooler. Also observed approximately 15 live small flies and 5 house flies in the dining room and food prep area. Additional pest control service is needed to eliminate the pest activity. Priority foundation 7-38-020(a). Citation issued.
49. Non-food/food contact surfaces clean
- comments: clean the grease on the exterior of the grease trap and the food debris inside of the microwave.
53. Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
- comments: no covered waste receptacle was provided in the women's washroom. Must provide.
53. Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
- comments: the women's washroom door lacks a self-closing door device. Management instructed to install.
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: clean the food debris on the walls of the food prep area.
56. Adequate ventilation & lighting; designated areas used
- comments: the ventilation fan in the men's washroom is not operational. Management instructed to repair or replace the ventilation fan.
56. Adequate ventilation & lighting; designated areas used
- comments: observed excessive grease on the ventilation hood and filters. Management instructed to clean and maintain.