Safety Report: Scam Alert - Ordered from Lendleol, Guangming Gangyuan (South Gate), Paiwei Road, Taijiang District, Fuzhou, Fujian, China
1 year ago • business
Pai Wei Lu, Fu Zhou Shi, 350009 Fu Jian Sheng, China
I ordered a lawn trimmer on 17 July. Instead, I received a low value mini towel. Lendleol admitted their error & said I would receive a refund once I had returned the item sent in error. They acknowledged receipt of the returned package for which they had previously agreed to refund the shipping cost. Despite numerous emails requesting the refunds I am still waiting & their customer services no longer respond. Address TT Nio 2004, building 5, Guangming Gangyuan, Taijang District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China email - support @