Safety Report: Old Irving Brewing, 4415-4419 W Montrose Ave , Chicago, Il, USA, Old Irving Brewing Co., 4419 W Montrose Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
4 years ago •source • business
Regulatory Report
4419 West Montrose Avenue, Chicago, 60641 Illinois, United States
Report date: Dec 29, 202025. Consumer advisory provided for raw/undercooked food
- comments: observed menu items such as hamburgers served raw or undercooked without disclosure, reminder, and footnote. Instructed to provide reminder, disclosure, and footnote for all items served raw or undercooked. Priority foundation violation 7-38-005. No citation issued.
47. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
- comments: observed slight build up of black slime on caulk around 3 compartment sink located in rear dish area. Instructed to remove caulk, clean, re-caulk, and maintain.
56. Adequate ventilation & lighting; designated areas used
- comments: observed 2 burnt out lightbulbs in rear prep area. Instructed to repair and maintain.
58. Allergen training as required
- comments: observed one certified manager without allergen training. Instructed all employees holding city of chicago foodservice manager certificates must complete allergen training and maintain records thereof on site at all times.