Safety Report: Tacos & Tamales, 5714 W Fullerton Ave, Chicago, IL, USA, Magos Tacos & Tamales, 5714 W Fullerton Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
4 years ago •source • business
Regulatory Report
5714 West Fullerton Avenue, Chicago, 60639 Illinois, United States
Report date: Sep 21, 20202. City of chicago food service sanitation certificate
- comments: observed no city of chicago certified food manager on site during this inspection while (tcs foods) pork etc. Has been prepared and served. Instructed a city of chicago certified food manager must be on site at all times while (tcs foods) are being prepared and served. Priority foundation violation 7-38-012, citation issued.
16. Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
- comments: observed a slight debris accumulation on the interior of the ice machine. Must remove debris, detail clean inside ice machine and maintain ice machine at all times.
37. Food properly labeled; original container
- comments: instructed to provide labels for bulk food containers/bins identified with common name (salt, sugar, flour etc).
47. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
- comments: observed a torn door gasket inside of the rear 2 door stand-up freezer. Management instructed to replace the torn door gasket.
49. Non-food/food contact surfaces clean
- comments: instructed to detail clean excessive grease build-up on pipes behind cooking equipments and maintain.
51. Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
- comments: observed water leaks at base of faucet 3-compartment sink. Must repair plumbing leaks and to maintain.
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: instructed to replace broken (floor tiles) in front of the 3-compartment sink area.
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: instructed to detail clean and organize rear dry storage area and remove unnecessary articles/milk crates due to potential pest harborage.
56. Adequate ventilation & lighting; designated areas used
- comments: instructed to detail clean and maintain kitchen exhaust hood/filters to remove accumulation of grease build-up.
60. Previous core violation corrected
- comments: previous core violation not corrected from inspection report#2352251 dated:11/25/2019 58 2-102. 13 observed the certified food manager without an allergen training certificate. Management instructed that all certified food managers must show proof of training. 02/18/2020 instructed manager to comply with food allergen training and maintain. Priority foundation violation 7-42-090,citation issued.