Safety Report: An unusually long delay USPS, USPS Teterboro Distribution Center, Industrial Avenue, Teterboro, NJ, USA
2 years ago • business
200 Industrial Avenue, Teterboro, 07608 New Jersey, United States
An unusually long delay in the return of a correspondence I sent with an incomplete address in error on 12/23/22. See details, the tracking# is 70211970000221101288. Thank you.My correspondence that I accidentally sent with an incomplete address on 12/23/22 has been sitting at your distribution center since it arrived on 1/17/23. It should have read Apt# 505 NOT 5. I can't understand why it's been sitting there for over 2 weeks. The last update says departed 2/4 but that's all. Can someone please either complete the apt# for me to 505 & re-deliver it back to Jersey City NJ...Or please return it to me in Inverness FL so I can do it myself. My father passed away and it's an important document my brothers been waiting on. Thank you & have a great day! The tracking# is 70211970000221101288