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يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

شكرا لك على تقريرك!

هام - التقرير الخاص بك في قائمة الانتظار قد يستغرق ما يصل إلى 12 ساعة حتى يظهر تقريرك على صفحتنا الرئيسية (إذا لم يتم اختياره كخاص)

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راسلنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني على support@safelyhq.com إذا كانت لديك أسئلة.

Safety Report: سوق الأطعمة الكاملة المعكرونة ومنتجات الجبن - استذكر بسبب البيض غير المعلن, USA

منذ 4 سنوات source fda.gov

Recall notice

United States

Company name: Whole Foods Market
Brand name: Whole Foods Market
Product recalled: Macaroni and Cheese products
Reason of the recall: Undeclared egg
FDA Recall date: October 28, 2020
Recall details: Whole Foods Market is voluntarily recalling select prepared Macaroni & Cheese products from stores across five states because they contain undeclared egg. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to egg run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products.

The affected products were sold at Whole Foods Market stores in Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington, D.C. The product was sold in plastic containers and in family-style meal kits with Whole Foods Market scale labels in the prepared foods department, available both hot and refrigerated. The product was also available from the chef’s case counter and from Whole Foods Market online and catering menus. The affected products can be identified by the following information. All affected product has been removed from store shelves. No allergic reactions have been reported to date.

- Macaroni & Cheese, chef’s case. Product Code (begins with) M: 286501. Best by 10/28/2020
- Macaroni & Cheese, packaged. Product Code (begins with) M: 263608. Best by 10/27/2020
- Macaroni & Cheese, online and catering. Product Code (begins with) M: 114449 | 109866. Best by 10/23/2020
- Rotisserie Chicken Meals with Mac & Cheese and Broccoli, packaged. Product Code (begins with) M: 261596 | 261580 | 261590 | 261601 | 261608 | 261616. Best by 10/26/2020
- Fried Chicken Meal with Mac & Cheese, packaged. Product Code (begins with) M: 247257. Best by 10/25/2020
- Fried Chicken Meal with Mac & Cheese, packaged on hot bar. Product Code (begins with) M: 237444. Best by 10/24/2020
- Chicken Rustico Romano Chef Plate with Mac & Cheese and Broccoli, packaged. Product Code (begins with) M: 241442. Best by 10/28/2020
- Chicken Breast Chef Plate with Mac & Cheese and Broccoli, packaged. Product Code (begins with) M: 299430. Best by 10/28/2020
- BBQ Turkey Meatballs Chef Plate with Mac & Cheese and Green Beans, packaged. Product Code (begins with) M: 241464. Best by 10/28/2020
- Roasted Turkey Chef Plate with Mac & Cheese and Broccoli, packaged. Product Code (begins with) M: 242019. Best by 10/28/2020

Customers who purchased this product at Whole Foods Market can bring a valid receipt into stores for a full refund. Consumers with additional questions can call 1-844-936-8255 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday, or 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Saturday through Sunday.

Check the full recall details on www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/allergy-alert-issued-undeclared-egg-prepared-macaroni-cheese-sold-whole-foods-market-stores-five

Source: FDA

#wholefoodsmarket #allergicreaction #unitedstates #bbq #broccoli #cheese #chicken #turkey #chickenbreast #macaroni #egg #friedchicken #rotisseriechicken

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