سوق الأطعمة الكاملة المعكرونة ومنتجات الجبن - استذكر بسبب البيض غير المعلن, USA
منذ 4 سنوات •source fda.gov • تفاصيل
Recall notice
Company name: Whole Foods Market
Brand name: Whole Foods Market
Product recalled: Macaroni and Cheese products
Reason of the recall: Undeclared egg
FDA Recall date: October 28, 2020
Recall details: Whole Foods Market is voluntarily recalling select prepared Macaroni & Cheese products from stores across five states…
Brand name: Whole Foods Market
Product recalled: Macaroni and Cheese products
Reason of the recall: Undeclared egg
FDA Recall date: October 28, 2020
Recall details: Whole Foods Market is voluntarily recalling select prepared Macaroni & Cheese products from stores across five states…