Safety Report: 美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥林肯大道 2263 号角钱, The Dime, 2263 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
4年前 •source • 商业
2263 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, 60614 Illinois, United States
Report date: Sep 18, 202010. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: no handwashing sink installed at dish room,instructed to install with running hot/cold water. Provide soap. Priority foundation violation:7-38-030(c),no citation issued
10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: handwashing sink under the counter top at bar area not easily accessible. Must bring handwashing sink forward for easy access to handwashing. Priority foundation violation:7-38-030(c), no citation issued
25. Consumer advisory provided for raw/undercooked food
- comments: must indicate on menu 'cook to order' phrase for hamburgers. Priority foundation violation:7-38-005, no citation issued
48. Warewashing facilities: installed, maintained & used; test strips
- comments: no chemical test strips on site to check sanitizing levels for low temp dish machine,three compartment sink and for the bar three compartment sink. Must provide chemical test strips according to sanitizer solution provided on site. Priority foundation violation 7-38-005 citation issued.
49. Non-food/food contact surfaces clean
- comments: debris and grease on cooking equipment in the kitchen,instructed to clean and maintain
51. Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
- comments: faucet at three compartment sink extremely tight ,instructed to repair /replace for easy mobility
54. Garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
- comments: outside refusal area/alley with excess of all kind of debris under and around receptacles. Must clean and maintain to minimize pest/insect activities
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: debris and grimes on floor under cooking equipment,also at bar area,under counter counter top(corners and under pipes. Clean and maintain