User profile: user-fxdpy149

Joined: 1 year ago


Safety Report: Pfizer Vacccines and boosted still got Covid, Roseville, CA, USA

Out of curiosity, do you wear a mask and have you been anywhere crowded? I just want to know how paranoid I should be.

Safety Report: COVID-19, Omnicron Variant, Toronto, ON, Canada

Someone here sees reason. Thank you!!

You know who's not going to be okay? The millions of people who have lost loved ones and the 800,000 dead Americans. Thousands of healthy adults and children have died from COVID-19. Choosing to not get vaccinated is selfish and stupid. The healthy primarily choose it for those who cannot, the immunocompromised and the infants, not to mention the healthcare system and first responders. When you choose to not get vaccinated, you're giving a fat middle finger to all of those who risk their lives daily by caring for the infected and to all of us who have lost someone.
You're a sociopath and that sure as hell ain't "healthy".