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Safety Reports: Jersey Mike's


1. The employer is not following CDC guidelines and is permitting employees that have tested positive for Covid-19 to continue working. Applicable OSHA standard(s): Section 5(a)(1) General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

Alleged Hazards: 1, Employees Exposed: 5
Source: |… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #jerseymikes #1450golfroad #rollingmeadows #illinois #unitedstates #patio

Employer is not enforcing the use of mask at the workplace. No verification process of unvaccinated/ vaccinated employees in place. Did not request employees that had close contact with positive case to quarantine. Employer did not notify employees about positive case. At least 7 employees were in… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #jerseymikes #5116yelmhighwaysoutheast #lacey #washington #unitedstates

T8 CCR 3205(c)(3) Employer does not implement 10 days quarantine rule, to employees who have been exposed to COVID-19 positive workers. T8 CCR 3205(c)(2)(B) Daily temperature checks and health screening are not being performed as each worker enters the store.

Alleged Hazards: 2, Employees Exposed: 1
Source:… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #jerseymikes #5163jacksondrive #lamesa #california #unitedstates

The employer did not maintain an effective COVID-19 Prevention Program in that the employer did not ensure that COVID-19 precautions per the state executive and local public health department orders are being followed at the workplace in the following instances: 1. Employers shall implement cleaning and disinfecting… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #jerseymikes #251pittmanroad #fairfield #california #unitedstates

1) The establishment is not following CDC and State guidelines to notify employees of potential exposure to COVID-19 where employees have tested positive. 2) The establishment is not taking adequate measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 where employees who may have been exposed are being required… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #jerseymikes #450williamscanningboulevard #fallriver #massachusetts #unitedstates

1) Employees are exposed to infectious disease such as COVID-19 in that the employer allows employees that are or were exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 such as but not limited to fever work or return to work without requiring that the employee present a negative test result for… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #jerseymikes #2336tigertownparkway #opelika #alabama #unitedstates

CCR T8, 3203(a)(4) & 3203(a)(6)/ Employees work closer than 6 feet of each other for extended periods in violation of CDC COVID-19 infection control procedures. CCR T8, 3366/ There are inadequate disinfection and sanitation materials.

Alleged Hazards: 2,
Source: | Receipt Date: 2020-04-06

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #jerseymikes #605eastjanssroad #thousandoaks #california #unitedstates