Safety Report: Per4m Vegan Protein Powder - recalled due to undeclared Allergen, Ireland
1 year ago •source
Recall notice
The FSAI announced the recall of Per4m Vegan Protein powder because it is labeled as dairy-free and vegan and milk is not declared on the list of ingredients. This product was distributed in Ireland.The recalled product is:
- Per4m Vegan Protein Powder - Salted Caramel Flavour, 900g, Batch Code: 040223-10; best before date: 02/2025
If you have an allergy to or are intolerant of cereals containing gluten (barley) and/or fish do not eat it, it may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction.
In case you experienced harm from allergens or undeclared ingredients, it is important to report it. It can help to detect & resolve issues and prevent others from being harmed, and it enables better surveillance. If symptoms persist, seek medical care.