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Safety Report: Family Dollar #32601, 3542 S Archer Ave, Chicago, Il, USA, Family Dollar, 3542 S Archer Ave, Chicago, IL, USA

há 1 semana source

Relatório Regulatório

3542 South Archer Avenue, Chicago, 60608 Illinois, United States

Report date: Feb 25, 2025
38. Insects, rodents, & animals not present
- comments: observed exterior rear door not tight fitting. Door sweep damaged at bottom with 1/4in gap. Instructed person in charge to repair and maintain exterior doors tight fitting.

38. Insects, rodents, & animals not present
- comments: observed approximately 80 mouse droppings in rear storafe room. Instructed person in charge to remove all mouse droppings and sanitize areas. #7-38-020(a) citation issued.

52. Sewage & waste water properly disposed
- comments: observed raw sewage backing up from floor drains in restrooms. Observed wastewater back up at mop sink. Instructed person in charge to repair plumbing, sanitize affected areas and restore and maintain proper wastewater disposal at all times. Priority violation #7-38-030(c). Citation issued.

54. Garbage & refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained
- comments: observed debris on ground around dumpster area. Instructed person in charge to clean and maintain area.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: observed items stored on floor in rear storage area and near restrooms. Instructed person in charge to elevate all items and maintain six inches off the floor at all times.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: observed multiple ceiling tiles with dark stains from water damage. Instructed person in charge to replace all damaged/missing ceiling tiles.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: observed gap and holes around perimeter of rear storage room and wall near restrooms with wall border missing. Instructed person in charge to repair and maintain.



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