Power outages have been reported in Virginia and eastern North Carolina Saturday afternoon. According to Dominion Energy's outage map about 12,000 customers lost power. The outages resulted from heavy rain and storm wind that rolled through the area related to Tropical Storm Ophelia.
Powerful storms knocked out power to more than 84,300 Dominion Energy customers in Central Virginia Thursday evening. As of about 11 p.m, power was out to more than 26,691 homes in Richmond, 27,850 in Chesterfield, 9,022 in Henrico and 1,996 in Hanover.
I received a 3 in 1 USB Cable Telescopic smooth brush does not freeze. I have no idea why I got this, but I did order a Laptop Screen Extender around the time that this says it was ordered and I haven't received the laptop screen as of yet.
As of 7:30 a.m. Saturday, according to Dominion Energy's power outage map, 4,872 customers are without power. According to spokesman for Montgomery County Fire and Rescue, there are several down trees and damages being reported in the area.
Our dogs only have dreambone twists,curls or rattlechews…they havw been so sick and diarrhea. I think it could possibly be the Dreambones. I think the ones I have gotten this month are making them so ill diarrhea and lethargic and going to the vet today.
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