Floor cracks are getting wider and destroying our PIT equipment, walls are uneven and mold is at an all time high as employees struggle to breathe comfortably in the warehouse. Mold in floor cracks and between walls and boxes. Low quality concrete floor unsafe to support 6 ton PIT.
Employees are still being exposed to mold and there are cracks in the floor and along the bottom of the walls
Mold is being found on boxes in warehouse, it's been reported and we are being told it's by management not safety it's being brought in on boxes.. people are having Asthma attacks
I am not vaccinated, I was experiencing symptoms since January 1st and got tested January 6th test results came back in 15 minutes. I was told I have to quarantine for 10 days
'- Employees are being exposed to mold and not informing the employees of the exposure. They are being told by human resources it is an air-condition issue. - Not all employee are vaccinated for COVID.