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Safety Reports: Patchogue, New York, United States


It is alleged that: 1) Employees are exposed to communicable diseases such as HIV from overflowing sharps containers and are not provided with adequate disposal methods. 2) Employees are exposed to bloodborne pathogens from bloody gauze and other used medical supplies and are not provided with gloves… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #152northoceanavenue #patchogue #newyork #unitedstates

big welt in arm at injection site, sore for at least 5 days, immediately had enormous headache, took alieve for 2 days then it went away. Had bouts of hot and cold and was slow moving for at least a week.  | Symptoms: Other, Headache, Soreness

#featuredcovid19vaccinereports #vaccine #johnsonjohnson #johnsonjohnsoncovid19vaccine #covid19vaccine #patchogue #newyork #unitedstates

It is alleged that three employees were tested positive for COVID-19. The employer did not sanitize the store.

Alleged Hazards: 1, Employees Exposed: 20
Source: | Receipt Date: 2021-01-04

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #196eastmainstreet #patchogue #newyork #unitedstates

Closure Date: 11-04-2020

The establishment was hosting a large event with over 50 patrons standing shoulder-to-shoulder, drinking, dancing and smoking hookah, with two exotic dancers performing lap dances.


#covid19violation #466eastmainstreet #patchogue #newyork #unitedstates