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Safety Reports: Murray, Kentucky, United States


I ordered 6 dresses from this company and I received a little gray shirt. I contacted them and they said it was their shipping that messed up order. Said I would have to pay return shipping back to China then they will refund or send me the… See more

#onlineshopping #scam #delivery #onlinescam #uspostalservice #murray #kentucky #unitedstates

Boil Water Advisory Lifted, Main St, Murray, KY, USA

2 years ago source details

News Report

The City of Murray lifted its boil water order Thursday that was in place for the east side of the city. Water was shut off Wednesday morning to customers along KY 94 and roads connected to it, from the location of Murray Paving to the end of… See more

#boilwateradvisorylifted #mainstreet #murray #kentucky #unitedstates

Half the time tables are not wiped, Bathrooms are not cleaned, Menus are not clean, Masks are not worn by employees or customers, Roaches in the back and in the bar, Not properly wash dishes or cups, Not properly cleaned soda stations, Silverware sometimes not washed, Napkins… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #216north15thstreet #murray #kentucky #unitedstates #soda

Workers were not provided with the necessary direction, training or provided any reasonable or necessary enforcement or guidelines regarding social distancing in common areas such as changing areas, break areas, confined work spaces. Approximately 300 employees. This has resulted in the hospitalization of 3 employees, 2 of… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #100chestnutstreet #murray #kentucky #unitedstates

Workers were not provided with the necessary direction, training or provided any reasonable or necessary enforcement or guidelines regarding social distancing in common areas such as changing areas, break areas, close/crowded and/or confined work spaces. Approximately 300 employees. This resulted in the hospitalization of 3 employees, 2… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #100chestnutstreet #murray #kentucky #unitedstates

Being exposed to COVID and employees that have confirmed positive test not properly cleaning or distancing and not taking any measures to assure the health or safety of other employees and hiding the fact that employees were in close contact with those who - Had positive covid… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #307pellaway #murray #kentucky #unitedstates

COVID 19 positive employees in the office sharing space with others. Employer makes the employees share spaces and take care of the cleaning. The office is computer based but the CEO will not allow anyone to work from home any more despite it being easily accessable.

Source:… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #82sprucestreet #murray #kentucky #unitedstates