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Safety Reports: 37 Municipal Wharf, Santa Cruz, California, United States


Thousands of PG&E customers were left without power Friday afternoon. According to PG&E, the outage affected 5,734 of their customers in Santa Cruz, affecting midtown, Beach Hill neighborhood, Seabright and up through De Laveaga Park The outage began at 3:39 p.m. PG&E estimates power to be restored… See more

#poweroutage #pgepacificgasandelectric #santacruz #california #unitedstates

Power Outage, San Lorenzo Boulevard, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

1 year ago source details

News Report

On Monday 18th, almost 3,000 customers in the City of Santa Cruz lost power at approximately 5 p.m. The majority of the power outages were to the east of the San Lorenzo River.

Outage link:
Published: 2023-12-18

#poweroutage #pgepacificgasandelectric #sanlorenzoboulevard #santacruz #california #unitedstates

Potential concerns with investigating COVID-19 cases/close contact in the workplace. Reference Title 8 CCR Section 3203 and 3205 Potential concerns with failure to enforce the wearing of face coverings in the workplace. Reference Title 8 CCR Section 3203 and 3205 Provide a copy of your COVID Prevention… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #6100soquelavenue #santacruz #california #unitedstates

'- Potential concern implementing COVID Prevention Program by investigating, responding to potential exposure to a COVID-19 case, conducting contact tracing and notification to employees within one business day. As well as cleaning and disinfecting of workplace if results determined positive for COVID-19 in the workplace. T8 CCR… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #37municipalwharf #santacruz #california #unitedstates

Potential concern implementing COVID Prevention Program for enforcing the wearing of face coverings by all employees at the gas station and convenience store areas. Reference T8 CCR Sections 3203, 3205 & 3380

Alleged Hazards: 1, Employees Exposed: 1
Source: | Receipt Date: 2021-03-12

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #335missionstreet #santacruz #california #unitedstates

Potential concern regarding implementing COVID-19 Prevention Program for social distancing to prevent the spread between person-to-person and close contact (within about 6 feet) while working throughout the store and in break room area, and ensuring pre-screening protocols are conducted for symptoms and potential exposure to Covid 19… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #costco #220sylvaniaavenue #santacruz #california #unitedstates

Potential concern regarding lack of ventilation or Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning (HVAC) system not being operated in call center, located on the 4th floor. (Reference Title 8 CCR Sections 3203, & 5142) Potential concern regarding implementing COVID Prevention Program for social distancing to prevent the spread… See more

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #1595soqueldrive #santacruz #california #unitedstates

Potential concern regarding implementing a sanitation station for employees for hand washing and provide personal protection equipment for COVID-19. Title 8 CCR Sections 3203, 3205 & 3380

Alleged Hazards: 1, Employees Exposed: 1
Source: | Receipt Date: 2021-02-02

#coronaviruscovid19 #osha #1515capitolaroad #santacruz #california #unitedstates