Safety Report: When I come in the store these woman that work there are not doing there jobs, Dari Market, Oregon 58, Pleasant Hill, OR, USA
2 years ago • business
35831 Oregon 58, Pleasant Hill, 97455 Oregon, United States
When I come in the store these woman that work there are not doing there jobs. I've came in and seen a woman kissing another woman. It also seems that the meat department is only confidently open on when ever they want. I've been very frustrated because this has happened many times. Seems when I go in there there's nobody available to help with the meat section. It's for lunch meat. But yet I'm very aware that they are trained in that area because I've seen it. So I believe in my eyes I'm being profiled and possibly judged. I asked how long it takes to clean..she went and acted like she got on the computer. And said with a face ugh like 20 to 30 minutes. They have three people standing around doing nothing and at 7 they decide to clean. I find that not right. The times doesn't add up. So I'm reporting it..I felt they just did not want to do it. If I find out that they were refusing me service because of that I will take it to better business and file a law suit on the fact that it's based on a personal matter and towards me personally. As well as my sex age religion and views. Those will be involved. Just not going ti have this. I've been disrespected in the past. And have seen behavior and treated differently.