Safety Report: Vehicle Damage, Costco Wholesale, 2431 North Germantown Parkway, Cordova, TN, USA
2 years ago • business
2431 North Germantown Parkway, Memphis, 38016 Tennessee, United States
My wife and I went to Costco on Saturday 10/29/2022 at approximately 10:00 am. We left approximately 10:30 am and after driving about five minutes the low tire air pressure light came on and the left front was showing as fifteen pounds. We immediately drove to the Hyundai dealership because we have a tire warranty with them. When we got there we were told that someone had stabbed the sidewall of the tire with a knife. We tried to think of why someone would do that to our car but couldn't think of a reason. We had not jumped in front of anyone for the parking spot and were parked within the lines. As we were talking to the cashier before leaving, she suggested that someone might have thought there was a female alone in the car. My wife does have a front license plate with her name on it so that did sound like a possibility. If that was the case, then they probably changed their mind when I walked out of the store with her. With the kidnapping and such going on I thought that you might want to take a look at the Costco video from that time period to see if it matched up with any cases you are working on. We called the Costco manager later and reported the incident. He said he would look at the video and let us know if he saw anything. We have not heard from him.