Safety Report: Trader Joe’s dog treats made my dog sick, Colorado, USA
2 years ago
Colorado, United States
I got a box of dog treats Assorted Natural Flavors 24 ounce. Within 5 minutes of giving it to my health’s 3 year old pitmix dog she vomited 3 times. She spent the rest of the day laying around and her poos became soft, but not runny. At dinner time I gave her a bowl of kibble like I always do twice a day. She turned her nose away and wouldn’t eat. I finally got her to eat a couple of kibbles. I then tried some turkey, she only ate a couple of bites. Within a couple of minutes she vomited again. The next morning same thing she refused to eat. She laid around all day not wanting to do anything not even chew on her toys. That evening I did get her to eat some wet dog food and she was able to keep it down. She was pretty sick for about 36 hours. I did do some searching on the internet and found others who had the same and similar symptoms. I feel this should not be allowed to be sold since it has such adverse affects.