Safety Report: This foreign company disguised as a 7-Eleven that withdrew money from my account with authorization., 2850 N Brea Blvd, Fullerton, California, USA
1 year ago
2850 North Brea Boulevard, Fullerton, 92835 California, United States
This company has disguised itself as a 7-Eleven and operates using 7-11 CA address above. I did a one time order for tea, but they sent me a second order of tea and withdrew funds from my account without my consent. No company name was on package. This is an illegal act and fraud. I want to be paid a refund immediately in full.
I had a problem at that address months ago. It was a vacant building. I used my American Express card for $42.98 garden items from Bed Bath & Beyond. Got sunglasses from Hong Kong. AMX went after them and I got a refund in a month.