Safety Report: Subscription Scam, Fayetteville, NC, USA
1 year ago
Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
A couple of months ago I reported receiving keto & acv gummies in the mail that I never ordered. I threw them away. But yesterday I an unauthorized payment of $148.99 was made and I called the number listed on my statement. They said I paid for a trial for these products. Nope! I did not! The woman said they can refund me .29c and then changed it to .35c and finally, $59.99! She wouldn't let me speak to a supervisor. I asked for her employee ID. She refused. I asked for her name. She first said, Jeanie and when I asked how ro spell it she then changed it to Janie. I had to call all these places I have to pay bills to and ask for a grace period just so my bank can close my bank card! I'm so furious! My bank also has been slack on the red flags. So between my banks lack of security service and these scammers, my money keeps disappearing! My bank said I could file a Dispute Affidavit ata local branch! I bet most people won't go through the hassle. I will be at my bank come Monday morning to file a Dispute! That money they took could have paid two bills! I'm so angry!
Same company here. I was charged $585. I argued and argued with them uuntil I ended up contacting my bank and the Ohio Attorney General. I finally received all but $49 credited to my cc.