Safety Report: Scam ring received, 10859 Oxnard Street, North Hollywood, CA, USA
1 year ago
10859 Oxnard Street, Los Angeles, 91606 California, United States
I placed an order on January 27th 2023, which I thought was from Macy's online. Track the package Weeks later said it was delivered to LA and was in route. Then I did receive a package in the beginning of March, it was a fake diamond ring. When I looked at the tracking number it was the same one used for my Macy's online order. I emailed the sender and was told they would give me 90% of the purchase price back. Although the order was only $58, I don't expect to see any of it because I changed my credit card and they have no way to refund my money, and I will not give them my new credit card number. I also asked where to return this ring and my question was never acknowledged. Thank youI'm in New York
Please where did you find there contact information? I also got scammed!
I received a ring that I nor my husband ordered today. I got suspicious and looked up the info on him and the web site. Scammers needs to get a job. I am just to old to scam. The company needs to investigate this right away.
I think a police report should be made to investigate this, they are laundering money, that's what I think
report to the Federal trade Commission
I received one today. What do I need to do with this?