Safety Report: Scam Alert, North Andover, MA, USA
1 year ago
North Andover, 01845 Massachusetts, United States
I purchased items from what I thought was BBB. They took the money from my account and I cannot reach anyone to discuss this. I placed 2 orders. Order # 51022 = $27.98 and Order # 5**** = $36.00. Is there any possible way that the folks that were scammed by this will get our money back ? Thank you.
Contact your Credit Card Company and report it as Fraud. You will get a refund. When the Credit Card Company does the investigation the company normally issues the refund. If not there will be further investigation but you will still get your money back. Credits are normally issued immediately. Also make a Police Report (over the phone) and report it to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission.) If enough of us take these steps we will eventually help stop these blatant thefts because that's what they are. They are stealing our money with the offer of a great deal that never comes to fruition. They are literally banking on the fact that we will either forget about it or not make a report to our Bank or Credit Card Company. By the way if your credit card is also a debit card you will still get a refund. It may not be instant but you will get it. Mary Lee Taylor