Safety Report: Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico, Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico
2 years ago
Sayulita, 63728 Nayarit, Mexico
2 of us visited Sayulita after 3 weeks in Mexico (had not gotten sick.) We were warned not to swim in the water, but my friend played in it for about an hour total, I was in it for about 10 minutes. We both had fevers and sweats, severe dizziness, I had sharp, shooting headaches (3 days now), and the 2nd day, she had 24 hours of ongoing diarrhea. They claim the water quality is ok, but the locals and others are accustomed to the bacteria. Luckily we had charcoal pills, oregano oil, ginger, and other measures for cleansing/detoxing — but it’s been a hard trip. | Symptoms: Nausea, Diarrhea, Fever, Headache, Dizziness