Safety Report: Never received, Scotland, UK
1 year ago
Scotland, United Kingdom
I'm waiting on a delivery and tracking says out of home delivery at 10.45 then says delivered to my postcode at 14.54 so I don't know what's happening as I don't leave the house. Thanksthere is actually two different sellers and one of them I bought off them on two separate days and they are using two different names for taking the payments and have never gave me a tracking number and won't answer any emails that I have sent and then the one that is saying delivered is ignoring my email aswell,,I actually think I've been scammed by a few as there was another one and they replied to my emails until the delivery got sent to an address in England and I stay in Scotland but when I wrote to them about it they have just ignored me and that was track17 aswell and I don't know what to do as I feel a fool,,I'm 61 year old with health issues and don't leave my house so I know that nothing has been delivered.
I still haven't received any orders and not had any replies to emails that I have sent.
Curry's from Facebook marketplace was on the 6th November and the payment out my bank was to from oftat,,then on 10th November from Curry's again and the payment out my bank was A-tovni and the email address for them was but they never ever got back to me then the amazon mystery boxes were on 6th November and the payment out my bank was to fashion portrait and their email address was and that was the one that got delivered to an address in England and then on 22 November another amazon mystery box and the payment out my bank was Accra my clothes armoire and the only address I had for them was but when I click on that for the tracking it shows delivered but said delivered before it was that time and I don't leave the house due to health issues and nobody was at my door.
Contact your card company and report it. You got scammed! They might be able to get your money back. But you have to file a dispute.