Safety Report: My dog being deathly sick, Hood River, Oregon, USA
2 years ago
Hood River, 97031 Oregon, United States
Our little 10lb doggie loves these things. He’s a picky eater and doesn’t like too many treats but loves the DreamBones, as well as a few other no-hide rawhides. Well, we gave him one one night and he woke up at 2am shaking uncontrollably and couldn’t stand, let alone walk. He vomited a little with a bit of diarrhea but was mainly just lethargic. We rushed him in at 8am as soon as the vet opened. She said it was the highest fever she’s ever seen in a dog and took all the tests and blood work. They couldn’t see anything, but put him on an IV for 5 hrs eventually sending us to an Emergency Vet Hospital vet 60 miles away, in Portland Oregon. Long story short….the ER vet told us they would have to cut him open in an emergency surgery for approx $8000 right then and there to see what was going on. They did all the tests that the first vet did, gave him blood, etc and could not tell anything until they got in there to see. We don’t have that money, as we had already spent $800 at the first vet and we were already into $800 with this one…and he was 13 1/2 at the time so I said no, we could not do it as we didn’t have the money. I explained to to my daughter and it was awful. They then said we need to put him down right then and there to put him out of his suffering. It was during Covid and we were waiting in the parking lot so I told the Dr we wanted to see him first. Of course we were all sobbing and in disbelief as he was so healthy. When we opened the door, he then just wanted in our arms. It was then that we told the Dr that if he was going to die, he would die at home, with us. They scolded us, told us we were doing the wrong thing, made us sign papers that they would not be held responsible, etc. Well, the next day he started recovering and 1 1/2 years later is still with us! We could only think that it must have been the DreamBone he had so we held off giving him anymore. About two weeks later and him begging and begging for one, we finally did it….gave him a small one and same thing….got deathly ill with a fever, lethargic and shaking uncontrollably. It was unreal. It lasted a few days and then fine. Again, about 6 mo after that, a family member gave him one and same thing! We know it’s from the DreamBones. They agreed with him for a few years and then, all of a sudden, could not handle them anymore. No treats for this guy:(
There’s been class action lawsuits, read my post in Blanchard Idaho. I say we sue the BAST**DS!!