Safety Report: Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Chase Center, Justison Street, Wilmington, Delaware, USA
3 years ago • business
815 Justison Street, Wilmington, 19801 Delaware, United States
my father took the judge and Johnson's vaccine from the chase Center in Wilmington Delaware passed away 3 to 4 days after taking it. they gave him a follow-up health pathlet which I read after he passed so I tried to call and follow up and let them know and I kept getting shifted from one place to another told I was supposed to report different phone numbers at the chase Center eventually somebody told me that they would put a note in his file. the day my father passed away I told the officers which first showed up in the funeral director about the vaccine and if he thought I should call and report it cuz it didn't seem like anything is going to be done or even anyone made where of that this is impossible concern of the vaccine killing someone his advice was to contact the CDC for the state of Delaware which turned out to be a complete runaround. for a vaccine that has been unproven and someone died shortly after taking it you think it would be somebody to contact a direct number but it seems like they don't want to know if it's possible. I figured they might need to draw some blood or something before my father got buried to find out for sure but the CDC never answered or returned my phone call at least the phone number I was given. it's obvious they do not want to take any reports that are negative towards this vaccine. I have no conspiracy and not but it seems awful shady I'll nobody's doing anything that started this mess no matter what country it was. and then push the agenda for a vaccine that to me is obviously killing people. between the actual covert virus and the vaccines I wouldn't be surprised if every American sterile by the end of this mess. and I have no conspiracy might sound like it but everything seems so shady with this whole mess. I have to reading the report of the young ladies father passing away shortly after taking the cure to this disease I felt to send an email back letting everyone know that this happened to me as well with my father. sorry about rambling.