It's because you ordered something off a scam website maybe one or two weeks prior to receiving that item. Check, as one of them. Wife ordered luggage with an amazing web deal. They wait a little while to confuse you. Make sure you cancel any credit cards you use online. They take your money for a large ticket item, take your credit card information and send you a ridiculous trinket. I got the same damn little screwdriver. Apparently this is happening all over the place. Call your bank, look for the charge. Websites will vary, these guys have many. Make sure your credit card is canceled obviously!
Be SURE to report them. They will not respond. They are still active with multiple sites. Going to find them... They can expect me! - 😠 AnOnymOus-LivesChanger
It's because you ordered something off a scam website maybe one or two weeks prior to receiving that item. Check, as one of them. Wife ordered luggage with an amazing web deal. They wait a little while to confuse you. Make sure you cancel any credit cards you use online. They take your money for a large ticket item, take your credit card information and send you a ridiculous trinket. I got the same damn little screwdriver. Apparently this is happening all over the place. Call your bank, look for the charge. Websites will vary, these guys have many. Make sure your credit card is canceled obviously! Be SURE to report them. They will not respond. They are still active with multiple sites. Going to find them... They can expect me! - 😠 AnOnymOus-LivesChanger