THIS IS WHY YOU ARE RECEIVING THESE RANDOM PACKAGES >>> I received the same thing. I also made a purchase on a website claiming to be Bed Bath and Beyond back in June. These envelopes we received are basically so that when we dispute the charges on our credit cards that they have a "track number" to proved them claiming they sent us our orders when in reality they were just cheap items. So if you still have your items, keep them for proof in your disputes. I spoke to Chase whom I made my purchase with and he confirmed that I was correct and that is exactly what they are doing with these cheap shipments.
THIS IS WHY YOU ARE RECEIVING THESE RANDOM PACKAGES >>> I received the same thing. I also made a purchase on a website claiming to be Bed Bath and Beyond back in June. These envelopes we received are basically so that when we dispute the charges on our credit cards that they have a "track number" to proved them claiming they sent us our orders when in reality they were just cheap items. So if you still have your items, keep them for proof in your disputes. I spoke to Chase whom I made my purchase with and he confirmed that I was correct and that is exactly what they are doing with these cheap shipments.
I did as well.