This is possibly a modified form of "brushing". The seller logs an order into the system, then sends out a mostly empty envelope. The reason to do this is so the seller can create a fake review for whatever product they were supposed to have sent. If you believe the order was from Amazon, you should report the package and tracking number to Amazon. Search Google for "Report Unwanted Package Amazon" to find the link.
I got the same thing from a different address. Heathers MottyG 3716 S Wolcott Avenue Chicago, IL 60609
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i got the same
i got the same
This is possibly a modified form of "brushing". The seller logs an order into the system, then sends out a mostly empty envelope. The reason to do this is so the seller can create a fake review for whatever product they were supposed to have sent. If you believe the order was from Amazon, you should report the package and tracking number to Amazon. Search Google for "Report Unwanted Package Amazon" to find the link.