Safety Report: El Taconazo Restaurant - El Original #1, 4124 W North Ave, Chicago, IL, USA, El Taconazo Restaurant - El Original #1, 4124 W North Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
4 years ago •source • business
Regulatory Report
4124 West North Avenue, Chicago, 60639 Illinois, United States
Report date: Sep 21, 202010. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: obsreved no soap at hand sink in front prep/cooking area. Instructed must provide hand washing cleanser at all hand sinks at all times. Operator provided during inspection. Priority foundation violation 7-38-030(c). Citation issued.
10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: observed no paper towels at hand sink in front prep/cooking area, and at hand sink in rear prep area. Must provide sanitary means to dry hands at all hand sinks at all times. Priority foundation volation 7-38-030(c). See above violation 6-301. 11 for citation.
22. Proper cold holding temperatures
- comments: observed tcs foods at improper temperatures in prep cooler in front cooking area. Found beef @ 47. 4f, eggs @ 58. 1f; chicken @ 44. 9; shreded cheese @ 49. 3f; chili rellenos @ 46. 9; cooked vegetables and peppers @ 49. 2f; pork @ 47. 4f ham @ 48. 0f; and pork @ 54. 4f. Instructed must keep all tcs foods @ 41f or less at all times when in refrigeration. Operator voluntarily discarded 40lbs of denature foods during inspection. Operator estimates value to be approximately $200. Priority foundation violation 7-38-005. Citation issued.
23. Proper date marking and disposition
- comments: observed no lables on prepped tcs foods inside coolers and walk in coolers. Must properly label all prepped tcs foods with discard date no more than 7 day from preparation date. Must correct and maintain same. Priority foundation violation 7-38-005. Citation issued.
33. Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for temperature control
- comments: found prep cooler not able to maintain proper temperature in front cooking/prep area. Ambient air temperature inside prep cooler @ 50. 0f. Instructed must have ambient air temperature of 41f or less inside all refrigeration. All tcs foods discarded and cooler tagged and held for inspection. Priority violation 7-38-005. Citation issued.
38. Insects, rodents, & animals not present
- comments: found approximately 30 mice droppings on shelves and on floors in basement near stairs. Instructed must eliminate pest issue, must clean and sanitize affected areas. Priority foundation violation 7-38-020(a). Citation issued.
41. Wiping cloths: properly used & stored
- comments: observed used wiping cloths on counters throughout prep areas. Must keep all wiping cloths inside sanitation solution when not in use.
49. Non-food/food contact surfaces clean
- comments: observed excessive grease accumulation on lower interior of fryer. Must detail clean and sanitize. Must maintain same.
55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: observed cardboard used under matts throughout prep areas. Must remove. All sufraces must be smooth, easily cleanable and nonporous.