Safety Report: Dreambones Twist, Deleon Springs, De Leon Springs, FL, USA
2 years ago
De Leon Springs, Florida, United States
Both my small dogs started having seizures after giving dreambone twist. This was a favorite treat especially for my small dogs then my male pup had a seizure and the very next day my little female pup fell off the back of the couch and had a horrible seizure this is the only thing new they have been given so I’m absolutely positive it is the Dream bone twist I didn’t think they were made in China but I guess they are !
24006 East 19th Avenue, Aurora, CO, USA 4 minutes ago Unfortunately I was also scammed like so many other people; on February 14, 2023 I made an order for $55.52 USD, very quickly they withdrew the money from the credit card. To date 14/03/2023 I have only received 2 CHIP engagement rings, with delivery address; not far from home. I called the place and they had no idea what I was talking about. They are very good at ripping off vulnerable people.
be very careful NOT to feed your animals treats from china!!!
I've learned to look for where it is shipping from and who is doing it. If it shows me China or London at all,.ANYWHERE I will not order it. Been took on a electric scooter,quite a bit of cash, and other stuff. I did manage to catch one refund (full) from PayPal. Now I will not order from China at all.