Safety Report: Dreambone Dog Treats, Nampa, Idaho, USA
3 years ago
Nampa, Idaho, United States
I have been giving my dogs dream bones since I found them. They love them and I love that they were rawhide free. I had no idea that the issue with my little dogs could be caused by them until reading similar stories. I have 3 chihuahuas. The first thing was when I noticed my oldest dog's bleeding rectum. It almost poured out. The vet said to watch him because it could be a ruptured anal gland. I found it odd to be that when the blood had zero signs of stool in it. His hemorrhaging stopped that evening and he did better with no follow up. The middle dog who is my companion dog I woke up to being extremely sick. Lethargic and just cried when getting close to her. She couldn't get off my pillow. I rushed her to the emergency vet and have never been treated so horrible by anyone. My fear for her and being without her was extreme. He didn't like that at all. I left and asked they call me as soon as anything was found out. When I called that late afternoon I realized that they closed overnight. I panicked at the thought of her being there alone, scared, and sick all night. The Dr never would call me back. I showed up 5 min to close to find him sitting doing nothing. I took a picture yet the vet told me he was too busy to call. He was irate with me for showing up unannounced. He said she was extremely sick and would not likely make it. When I asked what was wrong he said he didn't know I showed up take her elsewhere. I was already at the emergency vet? He walked out of the room and never told me what was wrong or done. They said she had extreme white blood count and dehydration. They gave her a shot of antibiotics and fluid and chargedmeover $600. The next morning I called her regular vet and have had to take her back every 2 weeks for 2 months. They don't know what is going on. I am on disability and with very limited funds. I am not loosing my house of 11 years because of money spent. Never having enough to have her uthinized or surgery. Repeat visits have been my only option. Care credit says I don't have enough or reliable income for a loan over services. I have been on disability for 14 years. I am now calling my vet to ask about dream bone issues with other pets. I feel like these have almost killed 1 dog and slowly killing another. I wish they would make this information public where they still sell them and continued to the whole time there has been concern. 😭😭I will provide more information after hearing from the vet. | Symptoms: Bloody Stool, Fatigue, Dehydration
After reading your comments its interesting as I too have Chui’s, disabled and struggle with vet bills. There is another company besides care credit that will accept you its called scratch pay. And then i wanted to tell you when you buy anything food wise ALWAYS read on back where its made and never buy anything made in China. Only Made in USA we dont allow poisons like they do.