Safety Report: Dream bones dog treats, Jackson, KY, USA
1 year ago
Jackson, 41339 Kentucky, United States
We have lost our second baby, Pixie to dog treats made by Spectrum. They are responsible for Dream bones and Good n Fun. When we lost ChaCha we started to inquire on the dog food and treats we where giving our pets. Especially after all of them fell ill. After research and comparing symptoms we learned our dogs had been poisoned. The vomiting and diarrhea come first. The neurological symptoms follow. Lethargy and flopping to one side. The the loss of the ability to use the back legs. The blood coming from the bowels and mouth. The amount of suffering so many furbabies have gone through are indescribable. I reported the illness to Good n Fun and Dream Bones. Still no explanation or response for why this is happening. Check the ingredients in your dog food and treats. The top three ingredients should not contain sorbitol. The FDA classified it as a laxative. The ingredients should be natural. I will not stop until the FDA regulates our products for our pets. Nobody else should have to go through what our family and many other families have experienced. No other pet should have to lose their life to in such pain and agony. We have lost two babies and the other two are under care from our veterinarian. I shared ChaCha’s report. Pixie, passed away at the vet 10/02/23. My daughter held her while she convulsed and she is traumatized. Justice for ChaCha and Pixie!!! | Symptoms: Diarrhea, Vomiting
So sorry for your loss 🙏🏻 thank you for reporting..will never buy these again !
Sorry for your loss and I am with you 100%
They nearly killed my dog. I am seriously considering contacting an attorney. I think it may be time for a class action suit!