Safety Report: Dream Bone rawhide alert!, Blanchard, ID, USA
2 years ago
Blanchard, 83804 Idaho, United States
I have contacted Dream Bone several times and nobody will respond to me. My great pyranese and Yorkshire terrier both became deathly I’ll immediately after consuming dream bone rawhides. I auto order these from chewy and have never had a problem now both of my dogs who differ from breed/size/weight are deathly Ill! I’m extremely angry over this after reading recent media reports about this product and the company will not respond to complaints or concerns. This is inexcusable behavior and this company needs to be held reliable. If my dogs don’t recover I’m going to every media outlet and then some to make sure other dogs are not harmed by this product. I’m going to get LOUD about this, these are our fur babies and this company’s silence is a huge F*** you to us!!!!
Can you send us a pic of the treat was it a rawhide treat
CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS begin!!!! You’re screwed Dream Bone
Dream Bone is a Serial Killer
So very sorry to hear that
Not very helpful if you don’t show the exact product so the rest of us can avoid it
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Dream bone rawhide twists. If you have internet you can look up the product.
How about the other labels people provided on here.
Or…take a look at the other product packaging on these posts?
Rawhide is dangerous for any dog to eat. You should NEVER feed your dog rawhide from any manufacturer.
UPDATE! I contacted Chewy who I had ordered these through and not one supervisor/manager/corporate individual was aware of this and viewed this site and other national news and are alerted and pulling this DEADLY product from their warehouses!!!!
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Dream Bone Products are still listed a Chewy... seemingly without exception they are rated five stars out of five.
I’m ensuring others will follow next and I’m so deeply distressed for those of you who lost their fur babies and have sick ones. I am working hard to ensure this product does not harm more innocent lives!