Safety Report: CVS Wart Remover Strips (40% Salicylic Acid), CVS, Mount Read Boulevard, Rochester, NY, USA
2 years ago • business
3750 Mount Read Boulevard, Rochester, 14616 New York, United States
5 days ago, I began usage of CVS Salicylic Acid Wart Removal Strips that contain 40%salicylic acid. I have used them for about 5 days. Over the last five days around day two
I began having bouts of nausea but never attributed it to this. The following day began
stomach cramps and pain. Today my left side of my back is burning deep inside
around the kidney area. I have excessive thirst not being fixed by drinking water. My
vision is blurry and I also have an awful taste in my mouth. The taste in my mouth is
exactly what the scent of these strips is. I looked up and then contacted a poison
control center and it is suggested this may be a case of Salicylic Acid poisoning from
this product. The occurrences over this short span ae far too coincidental for this to not
be the case. Upon further research it is nearly identical to a case in 2008 in which a
pediatric patient exposed to a similar product experienced similar symptomatology that
was determined to be a poisoning by this type of product. These products are not safe.
The product has been used on the left pointer finger below the middle knuckle. There is
some area of skin that has sloughed off and was bright pink earlier and is now white.
The finger itself feels off like neurologically off and partially numb currently. It has now
been 24 hours since I began this report and the symptoms are beginning to subside
slightly. It is a slow subside though. The only thing different today is my kidney does
not hurt constantly now it is off and on but much less intense and easing as time goes
on more so. The nausea has subsided. The taste however still remains in my mouth but
is slightly less than before but not enough yet. The other remaining symptoms include
stomach cramping, some nausea off and on but no longer constant, bloating, I
experienced measured tachycardia as well as a burning sensation along the left hand
side of the mid back right below the rib cage ending. This pain has subsided but is still
occasionally present for a split second then gone. | Symptoms: Cramps, Blurry vision