Safety Report: Covid Workplace Safety, Panco Inc, Buttercup Drive, Wasilla, Alaska, USA, Panco Inc, Buttercup Drive, Wasilla, Alaska, USA
2 years ago • business
7241 Buttercup Drive, Wasilla, 99654 Alaska, United States
My son works at panko cabinets in Wasilla alaska. The [__] walks into the shop knowing that he had covid. He knew that he had covid. He exposed everybody in the shop, they asked him to leave and he did not do so immediately he laughed and said I have my shot. Now my son has covid one other employee there has covid we don't know how many others got infected because of this individual. That man has cost me $3,000 in my son has lost his wages for several days my wife wants to sue him. My wife and I are in agreement that somebody should do something to this individual because what he did was totally wrong and exposed everybody working in that shop.