Safety Report: Covid-19 OSHA Complaint, Goose Creek Correctional Center, 22301 Alsop Rd., WASILLA, AK, 99654, USA
3 years ago • business
Regulatory Report
22301 Alsop Road, Wasilla, 99654 Alaska, United States
COVID 19. Placing several people in a line in a small confined area for medication without regards to space distancing or any PPE. This condition was mitigated prior to this date by limiting Inmates not to exceed 10 at a time. Facility changed Policy to allow many more people in a confined space because they are housed together. Very tight confined area and requiring an Officer to stand in the room with them who has been provided one cloth mask that is to small a week old having been washed several times as the only protection. When concern was was voiced to supervisor and supervisor was informed of intent of this employee was expressed to file OSHA and Union complaint. Officer was threatened with potentially receiving written disciplinary action and was removed from current work assignment.Source: | Receipt Date: 2020-04-20