Safety Report: Covid-19 OSHA Complaint, East Tennessee State University, Gilbreath Drive, Johnson City, TN, USA
3 years ago • business
Regulatory Report
1276 Gilbreath Drive, Johnson City, 37614 Tennessee, United States
The HVAC System in Rogers-Stout Hall not working properly. One office was around 80 degrees for much of the summer, and several units in halls and classrooms were not functioning properly or in some cases at all. There are concerns over the issue of adequately ventilating a building which is full of employees and students. There is a filthy and non-functional hall unit. Maintenance said that the units were to be cleaned and filters replaced that very weekend. It is now the middle of September, classes started weeks ago and regional COVID cases are higher than they have ever been (in an area which was the worst in the world for cases per capita last winter), yet the boxes of filters (which are only regular MERV-8 replacements) are still stacked by the outer doors of the building. Ventilation is still demand-controlled, and it has been said that the fresh air intake for the building was "not turned on." The HVAC technicians brought the same concerns to management, and there are not enough technicians to ensure that ventilation in many buildings were even functioning, much less at a rate adequate for full classrooms during a viral pandemic.Source: | Receipt Date: 2021-09-14