Safety Report: Covid-19 OSHA Complaint, SCHOOL DIST #411 KING COUNTY, 4229 180th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98008, USA
3 years ago
Regulatory Report
4229 180th Avenue Southeast, Bellevue, 98008 Washington, United States
The Governor's Proclamation 20-09.3, "Phased Reopening of K-12 Schools", issued on December 16, 2020, prohibits in-person instruction unless certain safety requirements are met, including establishing and operating a safety committee consistent with WAC 296-800-130 and WAC 296-800-140, and other mandates outlined in Proclamation 20-09.3. I and other Association representatives have raised concerns with District administration over the lack of safety committees that are established and operating in compliance with legal requirements in all Issaquah schools. The conversations have been over multiple dates. 1. Sunset Elementary staff have been serving students in-person, during the pandemic, for weeks. 2. We are informed there is no worksite safety committee, and questions about COVID reporting protocols and notice to staff about suspected COVID cases have come to our attention. 3.We believe the situation warrants the intervention of L&I. When school is fully open, there are typically approximately 50 staff.Source: | Receipt Date: 2021-01-29