Safety Report: Chihuahua dreambones diarrhea, Walmart Supercenter, Lead Hill Boulevard, Roseville, CA, USA
3 years ago • business
1400 Lead Hill Boulevard, Roseville, 95661 California, United States
I did above. About 8 months ago I started giving my puppy Pepper Tender Treats called Oinkies made by Hartz. Then during this pandemic causing shortages at stores, I found DreamBone Twists wrapped in chicken, I never noticed any problems until I purchased some DreamBone mini peanut butter rolls wrapped in chicken. My little pup started having serious diarrhea and had little appetite! I became really worried and started reading the packages of these treats, I can’t believe that I was so stupid to provide these treats for Pepper without researching this product that I am reading about dogs dying, severely sick and there recalls and lawsuits! I am so upset and angry that stores are continuing to sell these products to our beloved pups that contains dangerous ingredients. When I read that these treats are from China, I almost had a heart attack! I am going to read ALL packages before I buy them for myself and my dog. Pepper loves these treats, but I can’t give them anymore. I am going to find a reliable recipe for dog treats and I am going to make them myself!!! | Symptoms: Diarrhea