Safety Report: Bad reaction to the moderna 2nd shot, Fontana, California, USA
3 years ago
Fontana, California, United States
My 24 year old has been having regular heart palpitations he has never experienced before every few minutes after 5 days of a really bad reaction to the moderna 2nd shot. The er doctor told him the ekg was fine and to go see his primary doctor for a referral to a cardiologist. He's off work and supposed to do blood work tomorrow. The er doctor chalked it up to too many energy drinks and sent him in his way. Althoigh he clearly told him he does not drink those. They also asked him several times if he abuses drugs or alcohol. Which he does not and has never. It's seems they are trying to blame something else and dismiss him.The only thing he had was a moderna second shot and now a disruption in his regular heart rhythm. I don't know how to get these doctors to listen as my son is trusting and just letting them dismiss our concerns.. | Symptoms: Other