Safety Report: Adverse reaction from the Johnson and Johnson Janssen COVID-19 vaccine, West Hollywood, CA, USA
3 years ago
West Hollywood, California, United States
The Johnson and Johnson Janssen COVID-19 vaccine has ruined my life. My ears have not stopped ringing, it’s constant- it’s loud- it’s painful, I have headaches, I can’t sleep and when I do it wakes me up several times a night. It is absolutely miserable. I have had severe painful and persistent tinnitus, dizziness and headaches. This newly developed condition is unmanageable. The Johnson and Johnson Janssen COVID-19 vaccine has ruined my life. I had a very Trumatic childhood and life has not been easy for me, but honestly I thought the worst of it was behind me in the past. Getting the JNJ COVID-19 vaccine is the worst choice I’ve ever made in my entire lifetime. The only variable in my life I can think of or track is this vaccine. Upon researching this problem and talking to my mother about it, other people are having the same experience, some have lost their hearing.Will this ever go away? Is there something I can do? People are losing their hearing. People are committing suicide. I’m not suicidal. I am however extremely distressed and full of anxiety due to this condition. It’s not a manageable thing. Is there a solution?