Safety Report: A scam where individuals took my money and I never received the product., 5467 Dixie Rd, Mississauga, ON, Canada
2 years ago
5467 Dixie Road, Mississauga, L4W 1E6 Ontario, Canada
Did receive a package today from this company located at 5467 Dixie Rd., Mississauga. In the package there were a pair of sunglasses and a glass case. I did not order this. That said I did order two raised garden beds for 49.95 on Facebook Two weeks ago. I doubled up the order so it did cost $99.90 US. Converted to Canadian it ended up being $125 that was debited on my Visa card. I kind of knew this was too good to be true , when ordering but thought I would give it a go. Definitely a scam and this is the first time I’ve ever fallen for something like this. I will never order from Facebook again. So unfortunate that people are scammed like this.I'm in Huntsville
I did the exact same garden order and got the exact same sunglasses. Shame on me...
i did ordered the same garden stand and received sunglasses from 4567 Dixie Road. shame on me for knowing better but worse shame on the these scam companies and why isn't something legal being done about it.
I got two pairs of fuck**g sh**ty ankle socks. When I ordered raised garden bed frames and water can. F**k this online junk crap. Back to the physical store. Our generation is getting too lazy
4567 Dixie Road is Canada Post's massive facility in Mississauga. International parcels can be shipped in bulk on a single waybill and then split after importation so that this appears as the return address. You cannot return the package to this address once you've opened it. Are you sure the tracking number matches the product you were expecting? If yes, be sure to followup with the seller and then if you don't get satisfaction, initiate a chargeback with your bank. If the tracking number doesn't match, this may be unrelated to your purchase. It is common for random people to receive cheap junk from overseas because the sellers are trying to improve their ratings. They order a product, send something cheap, and then once delivery is confirmed, they are allowed to write a review.