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Safety Report: Ridley Block Operations 12% Protein-Schaffutter - zurückgerufen aufgrund erhöhter Kupferwerte, USA

vor 4 Jahren source

Recall notice

United States

Company name: Ridley Block Operations
Brand name: Ultralyx
Product recalled: 12% Protein Sheep feed
Reason of the recall: Elevated levels of copper
FDA Recall date: July 13, 2020
Recall details: No other products are affected Ridley Block Operations is voluntarily recalling Ultralyx® 12% Protein Sheep with batch number HB01679401. The product has been found to contain elevated levels of copper. With prolonged consumption, the affected product could potentially have adverse health effects on sheep, including reductions in daily gains, icterus, partially cirrhotic livers and hemoglobin-stained kidneys. Occasionally, death occurs in copper-toxic sheep.

This recall relates only to Ultralyx 12% Protein Sheep with the following batch numbers printed on the package:

- Product Name: Ultralyx 12% Protein Sheep
- Batch/Lot# : HB01679401
- Item No./Product No.: 24419
- Package Info.: 50# Block

Customers are asked to remove all product matching this batch number from distribution and inventory and discontinue feeding it immediately.

No other batch number or other Ridley Block Operations products are involved in this voluntary recall. Of the batch of twenty blocks included in the recall, two blocks remain in the marketplace.

Ridley Block Operations will continue to work closely with the Food and Drug Administration throughout the recall process. Our representatives are in direct communication with our customers to ensure the proper identification and removal of the impacted products.

Check the full recall details on

Source: FDA

#animalveterinary #unitedstates

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