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Safety Report: Natural Balance Ultra Premium Chicken & Lever Paté Formula - zurückgerufen aufgrund erhöhter Cholinchloridgehalte, USA

vor 4 Jahren source

Recall notice

United States

Company name: J. M. Smucker Company
Brand name: Natural Balance
Product recalled: Ultra Premium Chicken & Liver Paté Formula
Reason of the recall: Due to elevated levels of choline chloride
FDA Recall date: July 03, 2020
Recall details: The J. M. Smucker Company today announced a voluntary recall of one lot of Natural Balance® Ultra Premium Chicken & Liver Paté Formula canned cat food due to health concerns likely associated with elevated levels of choline chloride. Ingesting impacted product may cause nausea with excessive salivation, constricted pupils and poor vision, diarrhea or vomiting to more severe symptoms including difficulty walking, muscle shaking, tremors, irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing, possible cardiac or respiratory failure and, in extreme situations, death. Pet parents are encouraged to contact their cat’s veterinarian immediately if their cat is displaying any of these symptoms.

If pet parents have any product matching the following description in their possession, they should stop feeding it to their cats and dispose of the product. This information can be found on the bottom of each can.

- Natural Balance® Ultra Premium Chicken & Liver Paté Formula canned cat food (5.5 oz). UPC: 2363353227. Lot code: 9217803. Best by: 08 04 2021

These products are most commonly sold in pet specialty retailers and online throughout the United States and Canada. No other Natural Balance® products are impacted by this recall.

The Company has received reports of adverse reactions. Pet parents that have questions or would like to report adverse reactions should call 888-569-6828, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET or email anytime at

Check the full recall details on

Source: FDA

#animalveterinary #catfood #unitedstates #chicken

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