Safety Report: كوفيد-19 شكوى OSHA, McDonald's, 17810 S, Torrence Ave, Lansing, IL 60438, United States
منذ 4 سنوات • عمل
التقرير التنظيمي
Torrence Avenue, Lansing, 60438 Illinois, United States
The employer fails to follow Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines:1. Employees who test positive for COVID-19 are allowed to come to work. Applicable Standard: General Duty Clause - Section 5(a)(1)
2. Employees are not informed when there are positive cases of COVID-19; contact tracing is not performed. Applicable Standard: General Duty Clause - Section 5(a)(1)
3. Managers remove or do not wear face masks throughout the day. Applicable Standard: General Duty Clause - Section 5(a)(1)
4. Managers do not wear gloves at all times. Applicable Standard: General Duty Clause - Section 5(a)(1)
5. Employees are not capable of maintaining 6 feet of distance in the kitchen and drive-thru areas. Applicable Standard: General Duty Clause - Section 5(a)(1)
6. A deep cleaning of the facility is not performed following positive cases of COVID-19. Applicable Standard: General Duty Clause - Section 5(a)(1)
Alleged Hazards: 6, Employees Exposed: 30
Source: | Receipt Date: 2020-09-11